What Is The Way To Make Money Online

Helping people to enter the online world!

There are all kind of ways to earn money in this online world. But really “What is The Way

To Make Money Online”?  Well, It can be bitter and sweet, but you have to keep going like a game with hiding pieces to the puzzle. You may find one piece here or there, but you just have to keep searching for the pieces. Well, that’s how I looked at it, once a time in my online world.

Nevertheless, as I searched for pieces of the puzzles everything started to make sense. I am here to save you some time on your journey of becoming a marketer.

Moreover, It’s been like a roller coaster ride for me because I went from one platform to the next, and just wasn’t finding what my heart was calling me to do. I was buying courses that I wanted to learn, and wasn’t following through with them, or just not In tune long enough to really get a better understanding of what was being taught. I knew I wanted to do something online, so I can work from home, and be able to live a more free life to do the things’ I love to do.

Because I love traveling and spending time with family and friends. My number one goal for my life is to travel the world.

I went from one career path to the next, and one day something just clicked in my mind and said “I like the “Marketing” part of the online world, and today that is my Focus 100%.

Picking The Right Career Path online

It took me some time to come up with what I really wanted to do online. I knew I wanted to help people by selling stuff, or provide a service. But when God is involved anything is possible. Even the things you never thought of.  Its never the way you think it will be.

For instance, I didn’t think I would have to be writing blogs about the product or service. But God’s plan for our life is different from what we think. My thought was, “I am not no writer”, I am thinking, “I didn’t do all that good with essays in school, and they want me to write about stuff”.

But I had to learned how to write really fast because I wanted to do all of those things that required me to be an affiliate marketer. I just didn’t know where to start until, I started researching different programs, and platforms. When we search for something we will find what we’re looking for.  So I wanted to learn all of the steps it takes to be a Marketer , so I can do it.

For instanced, I knew I wanted to sell something online, but I didn’t know how I was gonna do it. So, once I tried all kind of different programs and courses something told me that the “Online Marketing” was the career path online for me.

Online Affiliate Marketing

Once I decided to go the affiliate marketing route things’ just started to come to me in thought about stuff I can write about or what my Niche can be in the online world.

And then, I ran across this program called Wealthy Affiliate, this program is the one that made me “burn the boats” of life because this is a platform that you can’t lose. “Unless” it’s what you decide in your mind. But you got to “Do the Work”, it’s not gonna happen without you playing the role of being there, and taking action.

Burning The Boats

In life sometimes we just have to take action, and do what is needed to get to the next level in life.

“Because” It will never be the right time to do it. That’s why you have to just jump in it and get busy. Building a business takes time. It’s know “Get Rich Quick”, Business, you have to do the work. Just “Burn The Boats”, so we can not leave this Island without achieving this goal.

Just leave us there until it’s done. Oh, my god it’s been a journey for me, and I am still on this journey of the online world. Things are changing every day, so it’s important to stay on top of things, and learn something new everyday, that’s gonna help you with your online business.

For me that is Wealthy Affiliate, online platform. There you will find all the help you would ever need in the online world. Sign up for the starter account for free that way you can test drive the platform, and see if its an online business you want to get started with…


Helping people is my number one goal in this online world. Because it’s nothing like going on google looking for a product or service, and you get a brunch of sites that is not helping you to solve no problems. I want to solve problems in this world, and be in position to help people to get where they are trying to go in life.

No person left behind. Paying it forward in life by helping people to reach their goals in life. Because life is truly a journey if you don’t keep going you will never know what is behind the next door, and then the next door. It is so many doors we may have to open before we really get to that door. Stay Focus guys and achieve your goals, so you can live the life that makes you happy.

If you have any questions or concerns you can leave a message below or email me at Tiffany@marketingwithtip.com


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